Enjoy life together with fellow believers.
Get in a Group!
There’s a group for you at Crossroads! This is a great opportunity to create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life.
Large Groups
Meet together as a larger group around a common focus of interested and then get to know each other better by dividing into smaller sections such as table groups. Connect groups are a great place to get started and meet new people. Many small groups are formed from people who also attend a larger connect group.
Small Groups
Small Group is where we GATHER as ONE for the purpose of building community fellowship. Our Small Groups are a great place where new friendships are forged and relationships grow in Christ. It’s a safe place to meet people, make friends, grow in your faith and have fun. The truth is we were made to be known and to do life with others. Small groups help us to connect with other believers who want to become the kind of people who are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit through a growing relationship with Jesus. Consider joining a group. Just click the Find a group tab below.
Interested in starting a LifeGroup?
Don’t see the group you’re looking for? We’ll will help you create one. It’s easy and fun to make a group. Help others like yourself get connected and grow. Whatever God has made you passionate about, you can start a group around that.
We will guide you through creating a group and show you how easy but incredibly important a small group is. Maybe you have a home that you are willing to invite people to but uncomfortable leading others, or you are interested in leading but don’t have the place to meet, hosting a group doesn’t have to be intimidating or overwhelming.
We will help connect you with others and provide resources so you can create a small group that fits for you. We will give you all the training and support you need to be successful.
Start a Group!
It’s easy to start a new group and we’re with you every step of the way!
Our team will contact you to help you prepare your group.
Invite people to join your group and start meeting.
For more information about Crossroads Small Groups contact:
Odessa Campus: